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CSQ Graph Paper Printable
- Description
A fabulous printable to help you design your projects.
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Craft Shedquarters
Craft Shedquarters is a fabulous group, it's a happy friendly place born out of our love for crafts. Dymphna of @dymphnajanecrafts and Lisa of @Lambtasticlamb are your hosts.
Lisa makes the most amazing crocheted and knitted gifts and has an amazing talent for teaching and sharing her skills.
Dymphna has a lovely shop selling all the crafting essentials you could ever need and she loves sewing, knitting and crocheting.
Whether it is sewing, knitting, crochet, patchwork, embroidery, really any craft, there is welcome waiting for you at Craft Shedquarters.
Join Craft Shedquarters to share your makes, discover new skills, watch video tutorials and so much more. We test products, review them and give you our honest thoughts. There is a regular video coffee morning/chat and craft session to which everyone is welcome. Craft Shedquarters is the perfect crafting community for building friendships.
Follow this link to join Craft Shedquarters
We can't wait to meet you