Add To Your Wishlist610736 Prym Metal Aluminium Seam gauge - Sewing Dressmaking Quilting Knitting

Add To Your Wishlist610736 Prym Metal Aluminium Seam gauge - Sewing Dressmaking Quilting Knitting

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610736 Prym Metal Aluminium Seam gauge - Sewing Dressmaking Quilting Knitting

  • Description

    610736 Prym Metal Seam gauge

    The Prym Metal seam gauge is ideal for precise measurement of seams for dressmaking, quilting or knitting - this handy aluminium seam gauge is a useful tool for all handicraft and dressmaking tasks. It can be used to trace seam widths of 1 - 6 cm and is marked with a 90° angle, it is also a valuable aid for marking seam allowances on patterns.  The seam gauge is made of durable aluminium and can be ironed. This means that you can immediately iron and then sew the seam.